
About Me
Learning About Performing Arts

Hello, my name is Krissy Fersch. I would like to welcome you to my site about performing arts. Kids and adults alike can benefit from participating in performing arts. This activity enriches the imagination and builds social skills. Participants take on the role of a character they must bring to life on stage. While practicing and performing, performing arts enthusiasts learn how to present themselves in an amazing way. I will use this site to explore all of these benefits and more. I hope you will follow along and learn about the ways performing arts can improve your life. Thank you for visiting. I hope to see you again soon.


2 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Your First Tattoo

13 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Your first tattoo is a big deal. It's something you'll have with you for the rest of your life, so you want to make sure that you go into it with your eyes open. Here are a few things you need to know before getting your first tattoo. Tattoos Require Aftercare You might think that once your tattoo is done, you can just wash it off and be done with it. Read More …

Ballet Dance Class, Age, Development, And Your Child

10 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Is your young child ready to start ballet dance classes? Your preschooler wants to dance. But you're not sure if they're old enough or developmentally ready for ballet dance lessons. Take a look at what parents need to know about ballet classes for children, age, and different dance options.  Is There A Minimum Age To Start Dance Classes? The answer to this question depends on the ballet program and the school's requirements. Read More …

What Type Of Dance Classes Should You Take?

21 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

You might be brand new to the world of dance, or you might have taken a few dance classes before. There are professional dancers who continuously take dance classes to keep their skills sharp and even learn new techniques. If you are considering taking a dance class, you might be wondering what type of class you should take? It will really depend on what you want to learn and what your physical abilities are. Read More …

3 Things To Consider When Enrolling Your Child In Online Acting Classes

5 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Would you like to enroll your child in online acting classes for kids? Here are a few things that should be considered before doing so: One-Time Classes or Courses? The first thing to consider when enrolling your child in online acting classes is whether you want them to attend just one time to determine if they like it and want to continue pursuing it or if you're ready to enroll them in a course that includes a series of classes over time. Read More …

Help Your Child Kill It On The Dance Floor

13 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a young one who is starting to get involved in dance, you are probably like most parents in that you want to see your child be as successful as possible. To succeed at dance, though, it's important for your child to be even more passionate than you are. If you'd like to assist your child in keeping them on the path towards a successful career in dance, here are some tips that might help. Read More …