2 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Your First Tattoo

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2 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Your First Tattoo

13 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Your first tattoo is a big deal. It's something you'll have with you for the rest of your life, so you want to make sure that you go into it with your eyes open. Here are a few things you need to know before getting your first tattoo.

Tattoos Require Aftercare

You might think that once your tattoo is done, you can just wash it off and be done with it. But that's not the case. Tattoos require aftercare since they leave an open wound on your skin.

When you get a tattoo, a needle punctures your skin, and tattoo ink is injected into the dermis or second layer of skin. This process can cause minor bleeding, swelling, and bruising. As a result, your skin may be more susceptible to infection.

That's why you need to follow your tattoo artist's aftercare instructions. This usually involves keeping the tattoo clean and dry, applying a thin layer of tattoo ointment, and covering the tattoo with a bandage.

Keep in mind that tattoo aftercare is different for everyone. Some people may have more sensitive skin than others and require different products. Be sure to ask your tattoo artist for their recommendations.

Your Tattoo Will Fade Over Time

Over time, your tattoo will fade and become less visible. That's because the ink particles are too large to stay in the dermis. They eventually migrate to the epidermis, or outer layer of skin, where they dissipate.

How quickly your tattoo fades depends on several factors, including the tattoo location and your skin type. For example, tattoo ink tends to fade faster on areas of the body that are exposed to sunlight. If you want your tattoo to last, be sure to take care of it. That means protecting it from the sun and not picking at any scabs or flaking skin.

Also, if you have oily skin, your tattoo may fade more quickly. That's because the tattoo ink is constantly being pushed to the surface of your skin by your body's natural oils.

Even if you take care of your tattoo, it's still possible that you'll need a touch-up at some point. Touch-ups are usually needed when the tattoo starts to fade or blur. If you think you need a touch-up, wait until your tattoo has fully healed before making an appointment.

Touch-ups can be done after the tattoo has healed, but it's best to wait at least a few months to a year. This way, you can give your tattoo time to settle into your skin and allow the ink to set.

For more information on what to expect from a tattoo appointment, contact a professional near you.