Help Your Child Kill It On The Dance Floor

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Learning About Performing Arts

Hello, my name is Krissy Fersch. I would like to welcome you to my site about performing arts. Kids and adults alike can benefit from participating in performing arts. This activity enriches the imagination and builds social skills. Participants take on the role of a character they must bring to life on stage. While practicing and performing, performing arts enthusiasts learn how to present themselves in an amazing way. I will use this site to explore all of these benefits and more. I hope you will follow along and learn about the ways performing arts can improve your life. Thank you for visiting. I hope to see you again soon.


Help Your Child Kill It On The Dance Floor

13 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a young one who is starting to get involved in dance, you are probably like most parents in that you want to see your child be as successful as possible. To succeed at dance, though, it's important for your child to be even more passionate than you are. If you'd like to assist your child in keeping them on the path towards a successful career in dance, here are some tips that might help.

Don't Compare Your Kid to Other Children; Let Them Compete With Themselves

One trap some parents fall into when it comes to dance is to look at how good some other kid might be doing in comparison to your own. A good dance instructor knows though that kids come in all shapes and sizes and talent levels. Constantly comparing your child to another kid that is clearly better might serve to discourage them more than it will motivate. You should encourage your child to improve based on their own previous performances. Get a little better every day and sooner than later your kid might just be dancing along with the top of the class.

Stay Out of the Way

Can you do the splits? Do you know how to twirl like a ballerina? Can you leap into the air or catch another adult in one motion if they leap towards you? No? You can't do any of those things? Then you should probably let your kid's dance instructor take the lead. If your child is young enough that you are staying in the class while it's going on, it can be natural for you to want to call out and encourage your child or even correct them if they are not doing something correctly. But trust us, your kid's instructor will ask for your help if needed. Otherwise, don't undermine the teacher by trying to talk to your kid during the class.

Keep It Going at Home

You can continue to encourage your child's love of dance by allowing them to take it home with them. Create a dance area in the basement where your kid can practice his or her moves. Rent or buy some local dance films and watch them along with your child during your downtime. Make dance not just something your kid goes to three times a week but a part of their everyday life, and you might soon see results out on the floor.